Course curriculum

  • 01

    Workout Index

    • Bamboo Bar Bench Press

    • Bamboo Bar - Bradford Press

    • Bamboo Bar - Overhead Press

    • Bamboo Bar - Pull Overs

    • Bamboo Bar - Skull Crusher

    • Bamboo Bar - Upright Row

    • Banded Face Pull

    • Banded Overhead Tricep Extension

    • Banded Row

    • Band Pull Aparts

    • Banded Tricep Pushdowns

    • Barbell RDL

    • Conventional Front Banded Good Morning

    • Conventional Good Morning w/Chain

    • DB RDL

    • Face pull - Lat pulldown

    • Freak Bar- Bench Press

    • Freak Bar-Overhead Press

    • Front Plate Raise

    • Front Raise

    • Incline Williams Press

    • GHD

    • Inverse Curl

    • Lateral Raise Dumbbell

    • Lying Banded Leg Curl

    • Reverse Fly

    • Safety Bar Squat Good Morning

    • Safety Squat Bar Shoulder Press

    • Safety Bar Sumo Good Morning

    • Seated Banded Hamstring Curl

    • Single Arm Upright Row

    • Single Leg DB RDL

    • Tricep Extension - Dumbbell

    • Tricep Rollback

    • Tricep Rollback w/barbell

    • Tricep Extension with Safety Straps

    • Upright Row to Press

    • Vertical Plate Raise

    • Williams Press